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A Loved One Goes Missing | 12 Critical Steps to Take

Searching for a loved one can be an immensely stressful and bewildering experience for families, especially when the missing person is an adult.
A Loved One Goes Missing | 12 Critical Steps to Take


Missing tourists


Missing tourists


Reflecting on recent search efforts for missing tourists in the Greek islands and the case in Tenerife, Spain, brings to mind similar occurrences I’ve witnessed during my years in Cambodia. Living here, I’ve encountered numerous heartbreaking stories about beloved children who have gone missing. During my time managing Paradise Bungalows, a bungalow resort situated on the beautiful islands of Koh Rong and Koh Rong Sanloem in Cambodia, we often received desperate emails asking if we had any information about missing persons.

Tourists can easily lose contact with their families while enjoying their time on these islands for days or even weeks, particularly in areas with limited internet access. This situation exacerbates the anxiety and uncertainty experienced by families waiting for updates.

In Cambodia, although cases of missing people, both locals and tourists, are relatively rare, they receive significant attention locally and internationally.

Especially when individuals disappear under mysterious or remote circumstances. Families and communities come together to organize search efforts, while authorities conduct thorough investigations to locate the missing individuals and determine the causes behind their disappearance.


Recent news


Recent news


Recently, there has been a series of tragic incidents involving tourists on Greek islands, highlighting the dangers of hiking in extreme heat. Within just nine days, six tourists, including British TV presenter Michael Mosley, either lost their lives or were reported missing. Many of these incidents occurred as individuals embarked on hikes during unusually high temperatures, unaware of the risks involved. Heat exhaustion, dehydration, and other heat-related illnesses can be contributing factors to these unfortunate outcomes.

For example, Michael Mosley tragically passed away after taking a wrong turn during a walk on Symi. Similarly, another tourist was found deceased in a gorge on Samos after hiking in hot weather.

These incidents underscore the significant risks associated with outdoor activities in such environments. The search for Albert Calibet, a retired Los Angeles police officer missing on Amorgos, continues under challenging conditions. This situation has raised awareness about the hazards tourists may encounter while exploring the remote and captivating landscapes of these islands.


The Emotional Toll

Coping with the Impact of a Loved One’s Disappearance


The Emotional Toll


The emotional toll of a loved one going missing is profound, affecting families in ways that extend well beyond the initial trauma. Each year, over 170,000 missing person reports are filed in the UK alone, highlighting the widespread yet often misunderstood nature of this issue. Missing People, a charity dedicated to supporting families in such situations, has explored this topic extensively, shedding light not only on the emotional anguish but also on the practical and financial challenges families confront during these distressing times.

While most missing individuals return relatively quickly, approximately 1% remain unaccounted for over extended periods, leaving their loved ones in a state of perpetual uncertainty and hope. Interviews with relatives of missing persons illustrate the complex emotional journey they endure, marked by guilt, regret, and anger. Sandra Flintoft, whose son Craig has been missing since February 2003, reflects on her evolving feelings, from initial worry and sadness to profound distress and anger over time.


The term “living in limbo”


The term 22living in limbo22


The emotional state of these families is marked by a poignant oscillation between clinging to hope and grappling with hopelessness. For Valerie Nettles, whose son Damien went missing in November 1996, the enduring uncertainty manifests as a constant sorrow, described vividly as “the beast within,” where hope and fear engage in a relentless battle in her mind.

The prolonged absence of a loved one often leads to what is termed ambiguous loss, where families struggle with the absence of closure. This unresolved state is compounded by conflicting beliefs within families about whether their loved one is alive or deceased, adding strain and potential conflict. Legal and financial issues further burden families as they navigate the practical responsibilities of managing the missing person’s affairs while holding on to the hope of their return.

In essence, the experience of having a loved one go missing transcends mere absence, it leaves families grappling with profound emotional, practical, and existential challenges, as they endure the uncertainty of not knowing what has happened and the enduring hope for resolution.


The return


The return


When a missing person is found, whether alive or deceased, it initiates a range of complex emotions and challenges for their families. While there is relief in knowing their whereabouts, this moment is seldom straightforwardly joyful. Families often grapple with unanswered questions and a mix of emotions, including fear of another disappearance or the return of a changed person.

For many families, the return of a missing loved one can evoke a complex mix of emotions. There’s often a bittersweet feeling as they navigate the reunion. They may feel joy and gratitude overwhelmed by the ordeal their loved one endured, yet they also experience frustration over unanswered questions and uncertainties about how to approach the returned individual. It can feel like having a stranger in their midst, unsure of what topics are appropriate or how to bridge the gap caused by the absence.


Despite these challenges


Despite these challenges


The return of a missing person brings a palpable sense of reunion and renewed hope. Families embrace their loved ones, marking a moment of closure to a period of mourning and uncertainty. This reconnection allows them to begin healing and move forward with a newfound sense of completeness and relief.

However, the return is a complex experience. Both the missing person and their loved ones must navigate the aftermath of the disappearance, which can include emotional scars, trauma, and adjustments to reintegrating into daily life. For the returned individual, readjusting to a world that may have changed during their absence can be disorienting and overwhelming.

Moreover, the return may not always bring the answers or resolutions families hoped for. Sometimes, the circumstances surrounding the disappearance remain mysterious or traumatic, complicating the process of healing and reconciliation. Families may face ongoing emotional, psychological, and practical challenges as they rebuild their lives and relationships in the aftermath.

Ultimately, while the return of a missing loved one is a moment of profound relief and joy, it also marks the beginning of a journey toward healing, understanding, and rebuilding. It underscores the resilience of families and communities in the face of adversity and the enduring hope that sustains them through the darkest of times.


Planning on hiking or travelling?

Think about your loved ones


Planning on hiking or travelling?

If you are planning to go trekking or hiking in remote or unfamiliar areas or travelling around the world, it’s important to take essential steps to ensure your safety and peace of mind, as well as for those close to you. Here’s a checklist of what you should do:

  • Research Your Destination – Thoroughly research the area you plan to visit, including local customs, laws, weather conditions, and any potential risks or hazards.


  • Plan Your Itinerary – Create a detailed itinerary that includes your route, accommodations, and contact information for emergency services. Share this plan with a trusted friend or family member.


  • Check Travel Advisories – Consult travel advisories and updates from reliable sources to stay informed about any safety concerns or political instability in the region.


  • Pack Appropriately – Pack essential gear such as appropriate clothing for the climate, sturdy footwear, navigation tools (maps, compass, GPS), a first aid kit, a torch, and emergency supplies.


  • Stay Connected – Ensure you have a reliable means of communication, such as a fully charged mobile phone with a local SIM card or international roaming, and consider carrying a satellite phone or emergency beacon in remote areas.


  • Health Preparation – Visit a healthcare professional to discuss any necessary vaccinations or medications for your destination. Carry copies of your prescriptions and health insurance information.


  • Travel Insurance – Purchase travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, evacuation, trip cancellation, and loss of belongings. Understand what is included in your policy and how to make a claim if needed.


  • Money and Documents – Safeguard your passport, visa, identification documents, and financial resources. Consider carrying copies of important documents and storing them separately from the originals.


  • Stay Vigilant – Be aware of your surroundings at all times and trust your instincts. Avoid risky situations and stay cautious when interacting with unfamiliar people or environments.


  • Emergency Contacts – Carry a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities, your country’s embassy or consulate, and contacts of friends or family members who can assist in case of emergency.


  • Environmental Responsibility – Respect the environment and local communities by following Leave No Trace principles, respecting wildlife, and minimizing your impact on natural resources.


  • Regular Check-Ins: If possible, establish regular check-ins with a friend or family member back home to update them on your whereabouts and well-being.


Take away


Take away 6


Be careful and be aware! By following these essential steps, you can significantly enhance your safety and ensure a more secure and fulfilling travel experience, whether you’re trekking in remote areas or exploring unfamiliar destinations around the world. Taking proactive measures such as conducting thorough research, meticulously planning your itinerary, packing appropriate gear, staying connected, and maintaining health and safety precautions will ensure you are well-prepared for the adventures ahead. These steps are not just about safeguarding your well-being but also about empowering you to fully enjoy and cherish your travel experiences with confidence.


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