About me

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Back in 2021, When I first thought of the name Finding Chantel. This was because it represented finding myself.

It all began one sunny and delightful day. I was sat looking at the river and started thinking how I could share my thoughts with others.

Suddenly a bee landed on my arm. He looked at me and I looked at him. As I started to walk home, he did not move. When I got home and showed my husband he laughed and said ” Here you go again the animal whisper.”

That was it I was going to build a website so I could have a place to share the experiences I have had in life. Also, the experiences I have learned from listening and watching others.

I love helping others in any way I can. Helping others is the way we can help ourselves. As life is an endless pool of self-discovery that brings us closer to ourselves, nature and others.

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I adore helping Animals

The animals of Cambodia

Every month I walk around my village and give all the street and family dogs free mange and tick medicine. Find out more.

My Pay It Forward all started after watching the film Pay It Forward.  I decided I wanted to pay it forward in my life too, in any way I could. 

I love to help people

Can I inspire you?

I was a hairdresser for over 30 years. Which was a job I adored. As I would be doing my customer’s hair I would listen to what they had to say. Thus over those 30 years, I learned a lot.

Learning about people’s lives led me to study Psychology and then to become an Emotional Intelligence life coach.

We were given two ears for a reason, to listen.

I ended up with brain damage

Do you want to know how?

Brain damage
