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Gorgeous hair is 2 clicks away. Find out how!

I believe that hair is an expression of lifestyle. That is why your hair is 90% of your selfie.
Gorgeous hair is 2 clicks away. Find out how!

I am a professional hairdresser

I want to help you get the look you deserve



This may mean you have to spend a little time and money though. I assume you want gorgeous beautiful and shiny hair? Of course, you do who wouldn’t? 

So, what does spending a little time and money involve? 



  • Second, get the right conditioner.



  • Fourth well there is a lot involved. So again it involves a little hard work. Thus you will have to look at my blogs.


Knowing how to handle your locks is very important to achieve the results you desire. It is not all down to us hairdressers and the wonderful cuts, styles, colours etc we do. 

Thus I am creating a series of blogs to help you achieve that wonderful silky, shiny and amazing look you desire.


Why shouldn’t you have gorgeous locks especially? 

“As your hair is 90% of your selfie.”


How do we make our hair beautiful?


First, you start with the shampoo. Please read my blog Gorgeous Hair Is Just 1 Click Away! Find Out how! 

If you would like to find out why using a silicone-based shampoo is not good for you or your locks.

If you need more help choosing a silicone-free shampoo you can also look at my blog. 11 Best Silicone-Free Shampoos For Hair 

So what next?

Next, we start with the conditioner.


How can I help you?


How can I help you?


Well as a professional hairdresser. I know many of you have no idea how to handle your tresses. 

For me, one of the most important parts of being a hairdresser is I want to help people. I want to help people in many different ways.  

Like with  WeightHealth as well as how to look after your locks. But I can only do bit by bit.  So one step at a time.

I will recommend the best products that you could buy to help your hair and your selfie.

I have always felt explaining to customers how to handle their locks once they step out of the salon is very important.

It is important to help your client be able to maintain the hairstyle you have just given them, themselves.

Getting your hair cut is not all about what the stylist can achieve. It is about what you can achieve too.


My first blogs started with shampoo


Today is the second part of the blog – conditioner.

When trying to choose a conditioner it can send you into a right tissy.


  • Which one has the best smell?


  • What one will leave your locks soft and shiny?


  • How do I know if it will leave my tresses soft and shiny? As it may make them greasy.


We can stand in a shop looking at the hundreds of bottles which makes our minds go blank.

You even start thinking


  • What was the one I saw advertised?


  • What was the one my friend said was good?


  • What was the one that a famous film star was advertising? 


No wonder most people have no clue what conditioner to choose.

There are a couple of important things you need to take notice of when buying a conditioner.


1st – Do NOT use silicone-based conditioner.

2nd – Do NOT use silicone-based conditioner.


What you do not see or get told is that silicone sticks to the hair and is difficult to remove. So, in the long run, you can end up with more problems.


So, what is silicone?


So, what is silicone?


I know this might sound strange when I use the word silicone. But silicon is the additive many companies add to their conditioners. The reason they add this ingredient is to make your tresses look silky and shiny.

Silicones are manufactured molecules used in many items. From caulk, personal care products, and even breast implants.

They are used in hair care products because of their ability to form a coating around the cuticle. Thus making the cuticle look super shiny. That is what you want from a conditioner, yes?


So what are the problems?

Problems like


So what are the problems with silicone?


  • Silicone conditioners will make the roots look greasy. Thus making the ends look dry even after using a conditioner.


Silicone is attached to the cuticle and can not be removed easily. No matter how much conditioner you use. 

You are then left with heavy hair. To remove the excess build of silicone you have to use a Clarifying Shampoo with Rosemary for Hair Growth which is harsh on your locks but they do work. Or an Apple cider Vinegar Rinse using a product like Bragg. Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar


  • Silicone forms a hard crust covering the cuticle. Which in turn makes the cuticle lay flat. Which also makes the roots of your hair lay flat on your head.


Your tresses will then hang around and stick to your face. It will lay flat on the top of your head making it look lifeless.


  • Silicone makes each strand hard


By making your strands hard you are creating a barrier around each strand. Which in turn makes your hair break off. 


Conditioner what does it do?


Conditioner what does it do?


A conditioner does nothing more than make the cuticle lay flat.

As you can see the cuticle is almost spiky looking and lifts from the shaft.

So when you make the cuticle lay flat then the light bounces off. Thus making your tresses look shiny.

These amazing and sometimes very expensive conditioners do make not a lot of difference to the hair shaft.  But they do to you as a person.

What You Eat and put in your body matters more than what you put on the outside of your cuticle.

So the more leafy greens the better!  Also, a significant lack of stress and genetics are involved when it comes to amazing locks.


Back to conditioner


Conditioner is important when it comes to looking after your hair and scalp. Because conditioner helps to make a barrier over them. This is to protect you from harmful environments. But you only want a soft barrier, not a hard one that you can not remove.

So, I have created a list of the 11 best silicone-free conditioners to help you get the right barrier.






While it’s safe to use conditioners that contain silicones. Silicone products will build up on your cuticle over time. which will lead to greasy, and dry ends. It can also result in breakage. So your locks get shorter rather than longer.

If you’re noticing greasy roots and dry ends. Then using a silicone-free shampoo and conditioner may help you have more body. Your locks will also look cleaner and feel fresher.

If you are looking for a quick fix ASAP I recommend this shampoo and conditioner.





      But please look at my other Blog if you need more advice about shampoos or conditioners.

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