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Gorgeous hair is just 1 click away! Find out how

I believe that hair is an expression of lifestyle. That is why your hair is 90% of your selfie.
Gorgeous hair is just 1 click away! Find out how

I am a professional hairdresser

I want to help you get the hair you deserve




This may mean you have to spend a little time and money though. I assume you want gorgeous beautiful and shiny hair? Of course, you do who wouldn’t? 

So, what does spending a little time and money involve? 



  • Second, get the right conditioner.



  • Fourth well there is a lot involved. So again it involves a little hard work. Thus you will have to look at my blogs.


Knowing how to handle your hair is very important to achieve the results you desire. It is not all down to us hairdressers and the wonderful cuts, styles, colours etc we do. 

Thus I am creating a series of blogs to help you achieve that wonderful silky, shiny hair amazing hair you desire.


Gorgeous hair is what we all desire


Why not the world is full of beauty. So why shouldn’t your hair be part of that beauty too? But how do we make our hair beautiful?

As a professional hairdresser, I am amazed at the number of new customers who have no idea how to handle their hair.

When I became a hairdresser many years ago. One of the most important parts for me was that I wanted to help people. To help people in many different ways.

With their weight, health as well as how to look after their hair. That was once they stepped out of the salon.

I would recommend the latest best product that they could buy off the shelf. I would also recommend the best professional products they could use if their budget allowed that.


A new generation of hairdressers


I am amazed at the new generation of hairdressers. Either do not get trained in these skills or do not seem to care about their client’s aftercare. Maybe they are already robots.

I have always felt explaining to your customers how to handle their hair once they step out of the salon is one of the most important parts of helping your client. This helps your client be able to maintain the hairstyle you have just given them.

Getting your hair cut is not all about what the stylist can achieve. I mean how can a hairdresser cut someone’s hair, make them look amazing, and not help them understand how to handle their hair once they leave the salon?


More than one blog


So, I will be creating a series of blogs to help you manage your hair. This is once you step out of the salon. Today I will be starting with the basics. Shampoo and conditioner.






When trying to choose a shampoo it can send you on a spiral of decisions and even the shop. Do you find yourself choosing the one with the prettiest label? The nicest smell? the one with the nice hairstyle.

When we stand in a shop looking at the hundreds of bottles our minds can go blank. Now what was the one I saw advertised? What was the one my friend said was good? What was the one that a famous film star was advertising? Now what was that catchy logo? No wonder most people have no clue what shampoo to choose.

There are a couple of important things you need to take notice of when buying shampoo.


1st – Do NOT use silicone-based shampoo.

2nd – Do NOT use silicone-based shampoo.


What you do not see or get told is that silicone sticks to the hair and is difficult to remove. so in the long run you can end up with more problems.


So, what is silicone?


I know this might sound strange when I use the word silicone. But silicon is the additive many hair shampoo companies add to their shampoos. The reason they add this ingredient is to make your hair look silky and shiny.

Silicones are manufactured molecules used in many items. From caulk, personal care products, and even breast implants.

They are used in hair care products because of their ability to form a coating around the hair. Thus making the hair look super shiny.

When you see a shampoo advertised on TV, Facebook, Tic tok, or Instagram. Which shows someone with silky and very shiny hair. Why wouldn’t you want the same shampoo?


What they do not show you


What they do not show you


What you do not see is the reason why their hair looks silky and shiny. There are many other factors involved in the marketing process. Certain lighting, photoshop, and many other tricks.

The reason behind this type of advertising is for you to buy their shampoo. Why not aye? We are all trying to make money to survive in this beautiful world of ours.

This is a very clever and easy marketing tool. Because when you use the shampoo for the very first time your hair is left silky and shiny.

I mean if your hair is left silky and shiny it must be because of the shampoo, yes? Well yes, that is true. The shampoo has done its miraculous trick but what happens when you wash your hair again?


What are the problems?

Problems like


  • Silicone shampoos will make the roots of your hair look greasy. Therefore making the ends of your hair look dry.


You then wash your hair with the same miraculous shampoo to remove the greasy look. But you are removing the natural oil that would have formed on your scalp to protect it.


  • Silicone attaches to the hair and can not be removed easily.


You are then left with heavy hair. To remove the excess build of silicone you have to use a clarifying shampoo or an apple cider vinegar rinse. 


  • Silicone forms a hard crust covering the cuticle of the hair. Which in turn makes the cuticle lay flat. Which also makes your hair lay flat on your head.


Your hair will then hang around and stick to your face. It will lay flat on the top of your head making your hair look lifeless.


  • Silicone makes your hair hard


By making your hair hard you are creating a barrier around each strand. Which in turn makes your hair break off.


Hair breaking off


Having your hair hard is not the strength your hair needs. Imagine your hair is a soft piece of Angora hair/fur. It’s soft and silky to touch but imagine covering that soft hair with super glue. Once you have covered that fur in a hard coating you are then able to snap the hair in half.

These amazing and sometimes very expensive shampoos make your hair shorter and more damaged.

I have created a list of the 11 best silicone-free shampoos. Please have a look at my blog if you need help choosing.






While it’s safe to use shampoos that contain silicones. Silicone products will build up on your hair over time. which will lead to greasy, limp hair with dry ends. It can also result in hair breakage. So your hair gets shorter rather than longer.

If you’re noticing greasy roots and dry ends. Then using a silicone-free shampoo may help your hair have more body. It will also look cleaner and feel fresher.

If you are looking for a quick fix ASAP I recommend this shampoo. But please look at my other blog for more advice.




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