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3 Steps to Enhance Animal Welfare in captivating Cambodia

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Animals - discover how 2 help animals in Cambodia

Combatting Cruelty

 Animal Abuse

Standing Against Animal Abuse

In the captivating landscape of Cambodia lies a less visible reality, one where dogs, cats, chickens, and birds endure abuse and neglect. It’s a very heartbreaking truth that grabs my attention and many others. Thus in my village, I made it my mission to be a voice for animals.

Despite Cambodia’s natural beauty and allure, the suffering of its animals cannot be overlooked. From the streets to the villages, many creatures suffer silently, deprived of the love, care, and respect they deserve. Watching the pain in many dog’s faces, tugs at my heartstrings and drives me to help make a difference, even if my difference is small.

I love that many animals are left to roam the streets in Cambodia. I love that they have a certain freedom, but sometimes the truth is far from idyllic. These innocent creatures often face unimaginable hardships, lack of medical care, inadequate food beyond plain rice, and scarce water, except during the rainy season. Their suffering is heartbreaking, and it’s why I’m committed to helping them as much as I can.

Abandoned and Alone

Pets Left Behind by Expats

Addressing the Plight of Pets Left Behind by Expats

It’s a heartbreaking reality that many expat owners in Cambodia choose to leave their pets behind when they relocate to another country.

These pets, who may have been cherished members of their families for years, are suddenly abandoned, left to fend for themselves in an unfamiliar and often hostile environment.

As a pet owner, of 4 rescued dogs and 3 rescued cats. Among the many chickens and ducks. I understand the deep bond that forms between humans and their animal companions. To me, my pets are not just animals, they are beloved members of our family. Who deserve love, care, and respect.

It deeply troubles me that some individuals view pets as disposable possessions, rather than beings with emotions and feelings.

Just as you would never abandon a child, it’s incomprehensible to me why anyone would think it’s acceptable to leave their pet behind.

The emotional toll of abandonment on these pets is profound. Having experienced love and companionship, only to have it taken away, leaves them with a broken heart and a sense of loss.

Animals have feelings too

Animals, like humans, are capable of feeling joy, sadness, and pain, and they deserve to be treated with kindness and compassion.

The reality is that when pets are abandoned and left to fend for themselves on the streets, they face unimaginable hardships.

From starvation and illness to being stolen for the illegal meat trade, the consequences of abandonment are devastating for these innocent pets.

This always surprises me as these people know the legal repercussions of animal abuse that they would face in their own country.

As animal lovers, it’s our responsibility to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. We must work together to raise awareness about the importance of responsible pet ownership and the consequences of abandonment.

Every pet deserves a loving forever home, and it’s up to us to ensure that they receive the care and compassion they deserve.

Community Compassion

Community Compassion

Many tourists who come to Cambodia, often feel moved to help a distressed dog or cat that they encounter. Yet, despite their heartfelt intentions, their efforts may not always match their aspirations.

Sadly, nowadays their main focus is often projecting a good self-image on social media, rather than ensuring the continuous welfare of the dog or cat they seek to help.

For those tourists and expats who are passionate about animal welfare, there are countless ways to get involved and contribute to the well-being of animals in Cambodia.

Whether it’s volunteering at a local shelter, fostering an animal in need, donating supplies or funds, or advocating for stronger animal protection laws.  Every effort, no matter how small, can have a meaningful impact.

In Kampot, there are numerous individuals and rescue centres passionately dedicated to aiding animals, yet they require assistance.

The dedicated efforts of celebrities such as Olivia MunnAlicia Silverstone, Gillian AndersonGwyneth Paltrow, Patrick Stewart, Leonardo DiCaprio and  Ian Somerhalder, serve as shining examples of commitment to animal welfare.

The likes of celebrities can help spread the word but these people have the resources. For the likes of us smaller helpers, we have our hearts.

My mission is to do what I can

In any way that is possible

My mission is to do what I can

I am committed to helping the pets and street dogs in my village. I raise awareness by walking my dogs and teaching the Khmers how to look after their pets. This is easy as they see how healthy my dogs look. and ask why.

As animal lovers, it’s our responsibility to raise awareness, educate others and help to find lasting solutions.

By supporting reputable organisations, advocating for stronger animal protection laws, and promoting responsible pet ownership, we can create a safer and more compassionate world for animals and people everywhere.

Together, let’s build a future where animals are treated with compassion, kindness, and dignity.

A Glimpse into My Efforts in Cambodia

Trying to make a Difference

A Glimpse into My Animal Welfare Efforts in Cambodia

Once a month I provide a nutritious food parcel with essential medication. To the street dogs and family pets in my village.

These food parcels included ingredients like fish, vegetables, brown rice and the necessary medication to combat ticks and mange.

Through my consistent efforts, the dogs in my area have come to recognise and trust me, and eagerly await “medicine day.”

Animals are incredibly perceptive creatures, capable of sensing kindness and compassion.

I believe in “you are what you eat,” I understand the critical role of nutrition in helping to fight diseases and promote overall well-being.

By providing healthy and nutritious food to the dogs, I’m not just improving their physical health but also enhancing their quality of life.

Additionally, every few months, I donate free food to the local Pagoda/Wat/Temple.

For those interested in joining my mission to help animals in Cambodia, donating is a meaningful way to make a direct difference. Your support contributes directly to the care and welfare of animals in my community, ensuring they receive the assistance they desperately need.

If you would like to donate you can contact me for more information. I have many places in Kampot that I help support too.

Take away

Take away 4

What 3 Steps can we take to enhance animal welfare in captivating Cambodia?

  1. Education and Awareness: Together, let’s work towards a meaningful and sustainable solution to improve the lives of animals in Cambodia. Raise awareness among locals, and teach people about responsible pet ownership, animal welfare, and the importance of humane treatment. This includes educating communities about the physical and emotional needs of animals, proper healthcare, and the consequences of neglect and abuse.


  1. Access to Veterinary Care: Improve accessibility to veterinary services by establishing veterinary and mobile clinics in underserved areas. Offer affordable or free spaying, neutering, vaccination, and treatment services to address common health issues like mange, ticks, and infections. Additionally, provide training for local veterinarians and animal caregivers to enhance their skills and knowledge.



  1. Legislation and Enforcement: Advocate for developing and enforcing animal welfare laws to protect animals from cruelty, abuse, and exploitation. Collaborate with governmental and non-governmental organizations to strengthen animal protection measures and penalties for offenders. Encourage community participation in reporting cases of animal abuse and neglect, and help animal rescue and rehabilitation centres that provide sanctuary for abused and abandoned animals.


With your support, we can make a lasting difference and ensure that these precious creatures receive the care and compassion they deserve.

By taking action you are making a difference in the lives of these animals and contributing to the overall well-being of your village.

Especially as it feels good to pay it forward.

Together, let’s work towards a future where every animal is treated with the love, respect, and compassion they deserve.

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