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Life is amazing but do you feel you are stuck in a rut?

Change your life now before it’s too late. I’ve heard the statement “I feel like I’m stuck in a rut.” a thousand times and maybe you have even said it yourself. Let’s stop that rut.
Life is amazing but do you feel you are stuck in a rut?

Maybe it is time for change

Before it is too late

Change your life now

It is always hard to change, especially when it involves your life. These fears are normal and everyone feels them. That’s because these fears are the fear of the unknown.

You may have heard the statement

“I feel like I’m stuck in a rut?”

I have, maybe about a thousand times. I have even said it before and I am sure you have even said it too.

Generally, life makes us feel like we are stuck in a rut. Especially when you’re doing the same thing day in and day out. This routine can make us feel fed up. We want change but we often do not know how to achieve it. So how do we change these thoughts into actions?

Our world is beautiful

It's time to make the most of it

Its a beautiful world

For the most part, there is a very exciting world out there, with a lot to offer. Besides that, you have a lot to offer too. So in light of that you should be making the most of your life. You should not be feeling you are stuck in a rut.

You should be having a life you love and one that you deserve.


  • But what if you are not?


  • What if you are stuck in a rut?


  • Maybe you want to get out of that rut, but how?


  • Maybe deep down you know you are stuck in a rut but don’t believe you really are.


The most important part of change is to realise it all starts with you. I know that thought is scary. Even reading this and thinking about getting out of your rut can be a bit overwhelming. But you can’t let your life just pass you by. Because you will be surprised how quickly your life actually goes by.

Now is the time to live those dreams. To take a leap of faith, and get out of your comfo


But how do you get started?

One step at a time

One step at a time

Three simple little steps to change your life. But these three steps start with you.

Step 1 – First, begin thinking if you could do anything without fear, money, or time stopping you. What would you choose to do?

Step 2 -Second, think about what’s more important for you in your life?

Step 3 – Third, put your fears aside, step outside of your comfort zone and start the change.

Make a list of everything you would like to accomplish

It does not matter how crazy or outrageous you may think these ideas or thoughts are. Without delay write them all down. By writing them down this enables you to keep going back to them and seeing what you want to achieve. This list will keep reminding you why you want to get out of the rut.

It also doesn’t matter if your list has three, ten or thirty-three things listed. So long as you just search your heart, your mind and write down what you would really would like to achieve.

Provided that you have belief in yourself you can achieve this. As nothing is more important than believing in yourself. Once you believe in yourself then you will start to see the journey you are going to go on. With this belief you will finish this journey all the way to the end.

Now of course this may be one of the hardest things you have to do. So keep reminding yourself how it feels to be stuck where you are. With no excitement and no real purpose. Most important remember things can be better than they are now. Keep making sure you are aware of that by reminding yourself why you want a better life. Look at your list if you need help.

Countless people before you have lived their dreams

So why not you?

What makes others so different to you? Surprisingly there is no difference between you and others. The only difference maybe is that you do not have the belief to follow your dreams. The belief that there is a possibility for great success. There is a possibility for you to get the life you deserve. You could be just like other people. You just have to remember you have to believe in yourself and believe you can do it!

I know you can do it.


  •  What’s more, please don’t keep it a secret. If you’re ashamed of feeling in a rut, you shouldn’t be. Many people find themselves in the same predicament. The only thing you should be embarrassed about is if you intentionally decide to stay in that rut!


  •  Do yourself a big favour and open up to someone you trust. Whether that’s a parent, spouse, or best friend.


Tell them that you’re ready to make a change in your life. They will be willing to help and support you throughout this new journey. They will encourage you on the good days and cry with you on the bad days. Most importantly, they’ll be there to support you throughout it all. It is what you need to help you achieve great success!

I made a mistake. I kept something a secret and it nearly killed me

So, why is change necessary?

Without a doubt, change is necessary. If you don’t change you stay the same.

  • Is change a part of life?

Unquestionably the only thing that is constant is change. Without

“All things change, and you yourself are constantly wasting away. So also is the universe.”

How can I change myself?

You have to take the first step

You have to take the first step

To put it another way. Do not delay that first step. Indeed it’s time to take that first leap of faith.


  • FIRST MOST IMPORTANT FACT –  you know you want to step outside the box.


  • SECOND MOST IMPORTANT FACT – You want to get out of this rut.


  • THIRD MOST IMPORTANT STEP– nothing will happen without taking that first big step.


More than once I have taken a huge step. Specifically other huge step of leaving the UK and ending up living in Cambodia. No matter how frightened you may be, you need to focus on the big picture. You deserve an amazing life.

Come on muster up all the encouragement and support you can find and just do it.  Find that life. Once the first step is accomplished, it gets easier!



Don’t let your fears hold you back. After all, this is a wonderful world that you deserve to enjoy to the fullest!


  • Finally what are the benefits of change?


To allow you to go out and experience everything life has to offer.

Finally, remember to take that first leap of faith because you’ll never look back again! Because you deserve to be the best that you can possibly get. Deep down inside you know this. You’ll be so glad you took that first step. You’ll be so proud of yourself when you achieve the life you want. As noone enjoys being in a rut and just going through the motions of life.

Change your life now

By reading one of these books


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