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Narcissistic Psychopaths 7 True Reasons to Avoid one

Narcissistic partners love to take up a lot of your time. Narcissistic Psychopaths have many traits, like a lack of empathy. Inability to take criticism. Grandiose sense of self. Manipulative behaviour. Delusional behaviour. Exploitive behaviour. The constant need for admiration. Selfishness and greediness.
Narcissistic Psychopath 7 true reasons to Avoid one

Narcissistic psychopath


So how did I end up dating


I do not like people to invade my personal body space.  This is one trait a narcissist seems to love to do to you. Nearly all narcissists and psychopaths follow the same modus operandi when operating in intimate relationships. I know this technique very well as I ended up in a relationship with one for around four years. I did not know the word narcissist in those days but I sure do now, especially after brain damage.

Many people have dated or are dating a narcissist or psychopath or someone with both traits even as I write this. Some of them have already had their lives destroyed. Some of them are suffering from abuse right now. Even some of them are in danger of being killed. Sadly only a few ever manage to get out of the relationship.

It is easy for a narcissist or a narcissistic psychopath to fool people. They look and act like normal people.


In today’s society, many people display psychopathic traits


The elite controls us through national, and international media, especially social media. This has led many people’s values and behaviours to change. Media can have a bad and negative influence on people. These people without knowing it become more psychopathic due to such influences. Luckily, they will never become real psychopaths. Real psychopaths have had these traits since childhood.

Sometimes I feel the elite like it when people become more psychopathic. Then the real psychopaths can blend more easily into society. Especially when we see a lot of the elite being psychopaths. You only have to look at Jeffrey Epstein’s case and his group of famous elite. These included politicians, film stars, and even royal family members.

Sadly this allows humanity to no longer be able to tell right from wrong.


How do you recognise a narcissistic psychopath?


How do you recognise a narcissistic psychopath?


A real psychopath can come in many different forms and colours. So what is a real psychopath or a narcissistic psychopath can be hard to tell. I can only tell you what I think as this comes from my personal experience.

Psychopaths or narcissistic psychopaths can also come in many different forms and colours.  I feel a real psychopath can be recognised by their eyes. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a psychopath? Our eyes are meant to be the window to our souls.

You may not be able to see anything different about their eyes at first sight. But look deep as their eyes have no expression. Try and keep your attention on someone’s eyes, but do not stare. You will eventually see that behind those eyes there is emptiness. More often than not they are dark and motionless. You can test this for yourself by looking at the eyes of these psychopaths. Most famous psychopaths in history.

When you look at their eyes this is like looking at evil directly in the face. You might even feel shivers run down your spine and just the feeling of being uncomfortable.


Narcissistic psychopaths have predatory behaviour

They work in stages


Narcissistic psychopaths have a predatory behavior


A good way to tell is to look at their predatory behaviour. All psychopaths are like predators. They set their sight on someone and will take full control over that person. They follow specific predatory steps just like a spider or a pitcher plant.  A spider will catch its victim in its web.  A pitcher plant will lure it”s victim in by offering a sweet smell. How could you resist something so inviting?

The narcissistic psychopaths I have met seem to be territorial. Sadly, I seem to be prone to attracting them. They will hunt and pray like a lone wolf. They have their territories these are theirs and this territory belongs to them. You can not invade it. Thus they have certain strategies they use to enslave a victim. They have a special and thought-out technique that they use to embed themselves into an intimate relationship with someone.


Which happens in 7 stages


  1. Seduction
  2. Showering with love
  3. Building a bond like never before
  4. Trauma
  5. Entrapment
  6. Use you and others
  7. Discard

Let me explain each one in more detail.


The first stage of a narcissistic psychopath is seduction

Number one


This usually starts with number one


When you first meet a narcissistic psychopath, narcissist or a psychopath, they will seduce you. They do this by finding out what you desire in life.

Psychopaths are excellent character readers and information absorbers. They can find out what type of partner you will require and their chameleon side will come out. They will change into the type of character that you need. Whether this character needs to be a boyish partner, a mature partner or a manly partner. They will change.

At this stage of the relationship, they will mimic the victim. This is when you will find them interesting. This enables them to gain your trust. It’s now well-known that such behaviours such as mimicking a person’s body language, for example, help to form a friendly tie with a stranger. Psychopaths know this without the study of NLP. It’s in their blood to mimic the victim to gain their full trust.

The psychopath will mimic the victim in many different ways. Maybe they will adopt a similar dress style (formal, casual, sports or seductive). Often they might mimic the victim’s speech patterns, smile, attitudes, and body language, and they might even use similar-smelling scents. They may adopt the victim’s morals and desires.

They’ll attract the victim through their self-confidence

They'll attract the victim through their self confidence


Self-confident people are naturally attractive, and psychopaths know how to use this trait to come across as attractive too. They know how to seduce the victim through their self-confident and daring behaviour.

They will also fascinate their victim by their lifestyle or their made-up lifestyle. They will be extreme or dangerous in some way. An example is, they might be fast bike riders or be involved in anything else as dangerous. They seek such experiences so that they don’t feel dead inside.

One morning I was surprised to wake up. I was told

” Get dressed now in jeans and a long-sleeved top.”

I was going to be having a lesson to learn how to ride a dirt bike. I loved this day as I felt so good and confident. I was so proud of myself that I was able to ride something so big and powerful. Being able to do that made me feel so strong. Thus I ended up buying the dirt bike I was riding. I now know that this was all part of the plan to destroy me.


The second stage is showering you with love

Number two


The second stage is showering you with love


At this stage, the narcissistic psychopath will shower you with love and affection.  The whole focus will be on you. they will become your hero. They can make you feel like they are God.

A narcissistic psychopath will make themselves into your idol, they will make it so you only think about them.  You will see them go the extra mile, they will act perfect and selfless. You’re being showered with gifts and compliments.  They will shower you with more love than you have ever received.

They’ll profess their undying love for you. They will tell you they have never met anyone as special as you before. That you keep them sane. That they admire you, who you are and what you do. They will spend all their free time with you and you will be their only source of focus.

This of course feels amazing so you will end up feeling so special.  Now this is the stage where you will start to fall in love with them. You start to get addicted to their affection and attention. Their plan is they want you to get addicted to them. They want to give you so much attention, that later on they can destroy you.

My birthday

As my birthday surprise, I was told to meet at a friend’s bar. I was sent on a treasure hunt. This entailed going to all my friend’s bars for a present and a special drink. This made the whole town think what a wonderful partner I had. This made me withdraw and become even more silent.

The way I handled this reaction from my friends was to disassociate. I knew I could not react or say what was going on behind closed doors as I would have looked like a liar.


The third stage Building a bond like never before

Number three


The third stage Building a bond like never before


At this stage, the narcissistic psychopath shares their deepest and darkest secrets with you. Since psychopaths are big liars, they only tell the truth when it benefits them. So their secrets will generally be lies.

The reason they will disclose their secrets is so that you will disclose yours. These secrets can then be used against you in the future, to crush your self-confidence. This is another way to further the bond between you. This enables them to find out your weaknesses. As they have a careful way of observing you by asking indirect questions. When you share your weaknesses, this strengthens the relationship bond.

This stage will involve a deep sexual relationship. Psychopaths crave raw and intense experiences, so sex is usually frequent, fierce and even can be violent.


Narcissistic psychopaths will get you addicted to sex with them because they want you to become addicted. They want you to become their slave and start to control you. They might be excellent at lovemaking since they have had many victims to practice on. Sex can be one of the greatest tools for enslaving someone. Since most people become addicted to it and psychopaths know that.

This is the time when they will spend a lot of time with you. This enables them to get total trust so that any doubt you have about them will disappear. Thus, you become fully trusting of the psychopath and deeply in love with them. Once this full trust and total love is achieved this is when they will deliver their first blow.


The fourth stage is trauma

Number four


The fourth stage is trauma


When a narcissistic psychopath is certain they have made you fully trust them and love them, they will strike their first blow. They’ll either become indifferent, or violent or they will make a love triangle. They might use many strategies but the purpose of this strategy is to use intense emotional upset or to shock you. They will do this because of a few reasons, the main reason is trauma will create a very strong bond towards them.

Have heard of the Stockholm syndrome? Stockholm syndrome is commonly linked to high-profile kidnappings and hostage situations. Aside from famous crime cases, regular people may also develop this psychological condition in response to various types of traumas.  In some cases of rape, the victim can become so attached to the rapist that they even think they love the rapist.

Trauma bonding

Another reason why they use trauma bonding is to put you into an altered state of consciousness. You can get into a spellbound state because of cognitive dissonance. Your brain cannot comprehend how a loving person can suddenly turn violent or indifferent. This seems incomprehensible that they could be like that because normal people do not act this way.

This is when they further enslave you. They will use hypnotic sentences to rationalise their terrible behaviour. You will become so weak and in a terrible state you will believe their lies. You will become more unbalanced and more confused. If you cannot see through their game, they may keep you in this state for years. Until you lose your mind or you are no longer any use for them and then they will discard you which is part of their end game.

Their end game

Many psychopaths’ end game is to make you die in some form or another. They may not rush into this, they may make this part of their game. Well, they have spent so much time with you already so why not?

They enjoy that great amount of power they are getting. This fills them with energy and makes them feel strong. They will let you recover from the shock by profusely apologising and being extremely nice.

When you feel recovered and happy again, then the psychopath will deliver another blow. This blow is to make you feel destroyed. The strategy that they use will never change but it may take time for the bonding to be rebuilt. That all depends on if you are willing to trust them again and how long it takes you.

Ending a relationship

If you choose to end the relationship, they will do everything in their power to get you back again. Often they will go through the entrapment steps all over again and keep this up until they have regained your trust. You will get so much love, they will buy you gifts, plan special nights out and promise never to hurt you again.

Maybe they will send many messages and call many times. They will use all sorts of strategies until you give them another chance. This time they will strengthen the bond to a degree that you now fully trust the psychopath. Now you have the intense emotional energy that they love to absorb.


The fifth stage Entrapment

Number five


The fifth stage Entrapment


At this stage, they will often do it earlier in the relationship. The narcissistic psychopath will try to entrap you but free themselves. They do this in many different ways.

The psychopath could choose to impregnate you, causing the dependency trap. Maybe they will choose to marry you and leave you with financial problems.

Many times they will isolate you from all your friends by telling you how worthless you are and how your friends never liked you.  Separating you from your family is something they love to do so you have to rely on them.

Assessing the circumstances

They will assess your circumstances and they will decide what’s the best way to entrap you. Your freedom then is limited and they remain free. Allowing their other pursuits to be kept secret.

They are more likely to have other victims. This gives them the flexibility to see another victim or victims whenever they choose. The victim, however, might be denied such freedom. A psychopath will move freely from one victim to another within his own created web just like a spider. They will suck out your energy and your life.

If a few victims are located close to each other, the psychopath will try to set them against each other. So that they never become friends and therefore are unable to exchange information. This way the dark deeds of a psychopath may remain undetected for years.


The sixth stage Is to use you and others

Number six


The sixth stage Is to use you and others


The narcissistic psychopath will continue to use similar strategies on all victims. Most victims will not find out about each other due to the psychopath’s excellent lying and secrecy skills.

Regularly they will use all their victims to get emotional and sexual power as well as money. They will give you time to recover and then destroy you again. They will keep doing this as long as there are things for them to benefit from.


The seventh stage Discard

Number seven


The seventh stage Discard


Once they are finally finished with you.  Whether that’s because of age, poverty or illness they will discard you. They will do so in the most hurtful way. When they deal the final blow it can sometimes be deadly.

When a victim can break free they will never comprehend how anyone could be so cruel. Victims have been known to commit suicide, consume lots of alcohol or find their ways to self-destruct.

People usually do recover, but they will never be the same. The thoughts of the abuse will always be there. Only a few people will recover completely. These are the ones that fight.


So how do you protect yourself?

 big dogs


So how do you protect yourself?


The only way you can protect yourself is to have your priorities straight. You could also get a big dog.

Then they will find it hard to control you. The best way is to try not to allow them to get to stage three. but that is often hard to do. Please talk to a friend.

Try not to fall for all the love and praise they are giving you. Remember they do this to make you look like their god. When they start to put you down be aware of that behaviour.  Stand up to them and ask

“Why did you act like that?”



Do not let them be number one


Do not let them be number one


Narcissistic psychopaths will try to make themselves into the most indispensable person in your life. If you allow this to happen, it will not end well. Once a psychopath realises they have control over you, they are already at number one.  A narcissistic psychopath will keep traumatising you until you are destroyed.

If you refuse to make them into your idol, you may get hurt because of this inhumane behaviour, but you will never be fully destroyed.

I hope this helps you understand some of the traits of a narcissistic psychopath.


I suggest reading some of these great books

They helped me to recover








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