Proven Insight | Cultivating 1’s Wisdom from Fellow Bloggers

The idea of learning from others might be seen as akin to standing on the shoulders of giants. It’s about recognising that we don’t have to navigate every twist and turn alone.
Proven Insight , Cultivating Wisdom from Fellow Bloggers

Helping people

It’s proven even owls have wisdom

The wisdom of learning

One of the things I love doing in life is helping others. Whether this is helping people, helping animals or in the case of Kampot, Cambodia helping people with their animals. I also love learning as many people have proven that their ideas are worth reading.

My life has changed a lot since living in Cambodia, for many different reasons. Since living in Cambodia I have helped many Khmers in all sorts of ways. Another way I now help people is to write blogs. I love writing blogs for the websites I have built, as this is an easy way to express the good and bad experiences I have had in my life.

Blogs are a way for people to learn and a great way to advise others about products, books and all sorts. Over the years blogs have helped me by teaching me a thing or two.

Today I decided to write a blog about what I think about and learn from other people’s blogs that I read.

A blog about comments

A blog about comments

Active was writing about the days before social media. It is proven that people would comment on articles that others wrote. That writing comments made you feel part of the community. As you were able to express your thoughts too.

She pointed out how social media has changed our lives so much. She has proven that when you write comments they attract spam and trolls. But should you give up? No, you should just find a new way to combat trolls.

But yet again it feels like the world has removed the bond people used to have with each other. A huge divide has been created, as people are now unable to express their thoughts without the BOTS having to take over. But should you give up? No, you should just find a new way to combat trolls. It has been proven that you should never give up.

A blog about helping their community

A blog about helping their community

I spend a lot of time thinking of the different ways I can help my community. I also try many different ways to help my community. Many of the things I do I keep private so my community has no idea I am doing them.  But I let a few people know things like I am the Kampot warden for the British Embassy. It is not a paid job, I do this for free. Why do I do it, because I love to help my community.

I read a blog from EF Academy about how Volunteering your time to support a cause you are passionate about is something you will never regret. Volunteering can put you in touch with the local community, and connect you to people and ideas that will positively impact your perspective for the rest of your life.

Helping a community is an opportunity for you to grow as a person, and to better understand how you fit into this beautiful world around you.

A blog about people banning and burning books

A blog about people banning and burning books

I read an article from the Smithsonian magazine that told of the history of burning books. This broke my heart. How can they remove something that feels so good when you are holding it in your hands? How could they destroy something that most people cannot put down and also learn from?

After reading this blog I wanted to help people to go back to reading more.  I felt no one seemed to read anymore. All people seem to do is look at photos or watch videos.  But by just watching videos you are not absorbing anything. You usually are just scrolling. I noticed many people were now writing on their social media accounts, ” I am having a break from social media.” Why did you have to get to that stage? Why do you not just pick up a book instead of your phone?

A blog from a teenager

A blog from a teenager

Kisses of confidence is a site I came across after talking to one of the teenagers at the NGO I volunteer at, who was having issues with anxiety. This wonderful teenager started writing as a way to escape the routine of school and homework. She wanted to do something for herself that was exciting. So she started writing about her own anxiety and shared her experiences with others. They were then able to relate to her issues and use her blogs to help themselves.

Her blog was a place for teenagers where they could give their opinions, without the fear of criticism. Where people with or without experience could tell what they know and have learned.  This blog pointed out that in life it does not matter about colour, language, gender, cultural background, religion, sexual orientation, political conviction, nationality or how old you are. We all have a story to tell and it is our story and no one else can tell it for us.

My blog

My blog

The reason why I write blogs is because I have a story to tell, many stories. We all have lessons to teach and we all want to learn.  Whether it’s a song,  a life change, or how you would like to live your life.  We all want to learn and we all feel the same.

As the girl pointed out, life does not matter about colour, language, gender, cultural background, religion, sexual orientation, political conviction, nationality or how old you are. We all have a story to tell and it is our story and no one else can tell it for us.

I remember thinking when I started writing blogs, that what I write might not be worth reading. As maybe I could not express myself properly. That others could do it a lot better.  But that was a terrible thought because you should just do it the way you do it. Others can help of course but they can’t do what you do, they can only do it the way they do it.

So no one can tell your story only you should tell your story. No one can give you a lesson, you have to learn that lesson yourself. No one else can sing for you, you have to learn to sing yourself. No one else can live your life and change your life. Only you can change your life. No one can give you a part of the world, so what are you waiting for?

Take away

Take away

If you think that someone else will do things for you, you will probably find out that nobody will do anything for you. Unless it is of benefit to them. So do it yourself. Try, as there is nothing to lose by trying.

Everyone can change the world, the Internet, society, a community, and one or more lives.

So take a look at the past and see how many people you have met over your lifetime. Think about one of those lives that you may have already changed. Their life may be different now just because of you. 

Be the change in the world.

It is proven that the only constant thing is change.

Proven Insight: Cultivating 1’s Wisdom from Fellow Bloggers

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