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Rebound relationships can be very dangerous

A rebound relationship is when you enter a relationship very quickly as a reaction to a previous relationship. Because one or both members are still dealing with issues involved from the last past breakup.
Rebound relationships can be very dangerous

But what is a rebound relationship?

1st rebound relationships can be very dangerous

The short way to put it is a rebound relationship is a relationship where an individual who just recently ended a romantic relationship gets involved with someone else, very quickly. Despite not being emotionally healed from the previous breakup.

Jumping into a rebound relationship can happen very quickly after a breakup. Being in a new relationship can be exciting. Some people may even intentionally seek a partner just to do what they think makes them feel better, while others happen to “fall” into one rather unknowingly. People can seek out rebound relationships for many reasons. As no two people are the same.

Some people end up in a rebound relationship because the negative emotions of sadness, hurt, anger, guilt, and possibly shame related to the breakup are things they are not ready to deal with.

A rebound relationship is often brief and can be emotionally confusing, as members can be unsure of what they want and are still heavily emotionally engaged with the past. Most people find themselves in rebound relationships unconsciously, but sometimes it is very intentional.

Why did we get into one?

Because our last relationship ended

Because our last relationship ended

Trying to end a relationship is so hard but remember to do it in the right way. When a relationship has ended. Some people will try to ignore the damaging feelings they still have from the past relationship by jumping into something thrilling, exciting and mind-numbing.

Many of these new relationships have problems. As many people never deal with the negative emotions from the last relationship. So, they their unhealed selves into the next relationship and sometimes from one relationship to another.

Some people also get into rebound relationships because they are hoping to get their partner back. As they want their ex-partner to be jealous of the new relationship they now see you in. This also usually never works as it was the partner in most cases that ended the relationship in the first place.

  1. How can you know if you are in a rebound relationship?
  2. What can you do to stop yourself from being in a rebound relationship?

Warning signs of a rebound relationship

This list isn’t exhaustive, but take notice if several fit your situation:

  1. The relationship is moving fast or feels rushed
  2. You or they got out of a serious relationship very recently
  3. They or you have talked about yours or their ex all the time. Equally, you avoid talking about your or their ex completely
  4. You or they do not want to show emotions
  5. Most of your time together is oriented around sex

More signs you’re in a rebound

  1. They are giving you mixed signals
  2. It seems like they mostly like you for the attention you give them
  3. But they seem to want to show you off to others or even seem to want their ex to find out about you
  4. They don’t want to include you in their close inner circle of family and friends
  5. They do not commit to any long-term plans with you
  6. The relationship is short-lived
  7. It could even be a dangerous relationship. Like the one that left me with brain damage

How long does a rebound relationship usually last

Rebound relationships don’t usually last long because heartbroken people seek them out in the first place. Heartbroken people are looking for a quick relationship to fill them with fun and love. This is because breakups and the difficult feelings that come with breakups can be hard to deal with.  So they want to block out their thoughts. As we all know breakups are no fun.

You will find rebound relationships are usually always quick relationships. As these relationships are not based on their interest in the new person. They are based on the interest in feeling good again. Also, you can not have a good new relationship when you are entering into the relationship with feelings you still carry from your breakup.

Breakups bring up emotions and feelings that sometimes can be too much to handle all at once. It is not uncommon for people to cry, or not cry, become depressed, replay the relationship over and over, be angry, be vindictive, and mainly be very hurt. These feelings are what can make a new relationship very hard to survive.

Can a rebound relationship be healthy?

Can a rebound relationship be healthy?

Remember no one is perfect, and not everyone has to be 100% healed to be in a new relationship. Some people just need a new person to have sex with, get attention from, or someone to temporarily fill the missing areas in their lives.

So yes, rebounded relationships can be healthy but this is usually rare. Remember though if you are not over your ex 100% it can make it hard to form healthy emotional attachments.


Work on yourself

So what am I saying 3

I mean it, work on yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Work out who you would like to be in your next relationship, and how you would like to be treated.

How A Supportive Partner Can Help?


  • How should a supportive partner act towards you?


  • What will make you happy?


Remember it’s your life, they are your dreams. If you want to follow your dreams you have to be the one to start. But start when it suits you.

You may have just had a breakup, or you may be on the receiving end of a rebound relationship, where the person you are with just got out of a breakup. Either way, it’s important to recognize when you may be in a rebound relationship.  Then you can decide whether this relationship will make you truly happy or if you will end up in the same boat as before. Just be careful what boat you end up in. As you may end up with brain damage.

Get help now if you think you are in danger.

I suggest reading some of these great books

They helped me to recover

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